
Today I added a button on the VerifyPage for Users to go back and edit their information before it is sent to the JSON.  I also (finally, because this has been bugging me for a while now) DRY'd up the code that generates the design-a-card form.  

A lot of the problems I had with both of those issues previously was that I was trying to save all of my data on App, and Router was not happy about passing down changing props to child components.  Now that I have my 3 main page components coming from App, and the rest of the components being rendered within those pages, it's a lot easier to move data from one page to the next.  

I added some CSS to the whole site, so now it looks a little better than plain text on a white background.  There are some obvious style issues:

  1. Buttons should all be styled to match (and to not be plain blue boxes)
  2. When a full deck is being displayed, the cards are not all a set size, so the grid looks messy
  3. Because Dominion has multiple types of cards (which are all color-coded) I would like to have the card borders be the same colors as the card types
  4. When entering an image URL, the user should immediately be able to see a small version of the image they have selected, so they can decide if it's what they wanted
  5. I want the Design a Card form to be more interesting than a set of text boxes.  Because most Dominion Cards include simple things like "+1 Action" I would like to have a drop down menu of options.  There will still be a card text field for them to fill out (if they want) but I think having some other type of input will be more helpful for structure of the final card.

Right now, though, I have a functioning App!  It takes the User through each stage I wanted it to - which is a really cool feeling.    
