My First Mini-Goals

Taking online courses and reading docs are both great ways to learn, but until you apply those skills to a project of your own you can’t know that you truly understand what you have been learning. 

My goal in this break between programming bootcamps is to create an app for users to design their own kingdom card for the game Dominion.  (Obligatory mention that I do not own the game Dominion – this is just a personal project to better implement the skills I’ve been learning.)  I have tons of features in mind, but I’m going to break the project into “mini-goals.”

First, I am going to wire-frame pages for the app.  This will give me a structure to follow as I continue, and help me break down what components/containers I will need for the app.  The framework I will be using is React, specifically taking advantage of React Router.

React Router has been a frustrating challenge in itself, because I have had trouble finding documentation that clearly lays out how it differs from vanilla React.  I’m going to try and write something that can act as my own reference in the future, and could maybe help someone else learn it, too.

1.    Wire-frame

2.    React Router How-To Doc
